“Hum Ghummakkad” is a bunch of Indian family and friends who plan and travel together across various destinations. We travel for leisure, hikes, vacation, or just to take short breaks from our work schedules.
Some of us like to discover food we have never tried before along with the conversations we indulge into during our travel. Some are just enjoying the scenic beauty around and love to keep calm. A few of our trips happened just to have a get together with the group over time.
Beside planning itineraries for ourselves, a Ghummakkad can be found glued with their books as many of us love to read books across genres. Everyone has a different set of genres they prefer to read, and share knowledge about.
We are working professionals from north Indian states and pretty much love to speak and communicate in Hindi as the preferred language with a comfortable grip into multiple languages including English, Punjabi, Kannada, Marwadi, Gujarati, Brajbhasha etc.
Hum Ghummakkad is all about sharing our experiences with the global audience. We prefer sharing about food, culture, heritage, and lifestyle of different Indian states. Book Reading being an integral part of our lives triggers us to share about them, so we are going to share a lot of book excerpts and reviews too.
This is a sincere attempt to recreate our experiences with nitty-gritties of related aspects. We are happy to help you create your memories inspired by our experiences.
Don’t hesitate to contact us on our email and social media for connections, contributions, discussions etc.
We’ll be glad to learn about your experiences and thoughts in the comment section of our blog posts, tweets or Instagram feeds.